Thursday 19 September 2019

Portimao to Punta Del Este, Day 4, Race 2 19/09/2019


As I sat here with a cast on my left arm, had a little incident with car last week. A email comes through from my mum!

"Today we passed to Canary Islands but we didn’t see much only the lights and the flickering wind generators on the mountains. More dolphins and lots of fishing trawlers. We do a couple of gybes and we are starting to get the hang of it. This time the lazy line went under the boat but we retrieved it without issue.
The first one went perfectly. Only  another couple of hundred of them and we’ll be perfect."

Shes the orange one,

Currently sitting fourth, I think she's definitely enjoying it.

Also nice for her to get a special mention from the skipper on his weekly blog for all the hard she has put in for the food. 

From his blog - Day 2

"Hello Everyone,
Another fantastic day at sea on board Visit Sanya,China there is some close racing going to here between us Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, Dare To Lead and Punta Del Este which is keeping the crew on their toes and focussed. We had a visitor today in the form of a little bird which was lovely to see, sadly it is most likely a land bird that has gotten lost but Chris still managed to nurture it in his hand for some time.
I have to move onto to talk about food since it pretty much makes my world go round as well as most of the crews’. In London, Vad bought a whole cured ham leg and everyday at about 1600 UTC it is ‘Hamon Time’ this normally consists of Jorge and the ham leg taking pride of place in the galley and every sliver being eagerly gobbled up by the waiting crew members, our on board reporter even made a video about ‘Hamon Time’ on the first race of this leg.
The next food related conversation is what a fantastic job our Victualler, Su, has done, today for dinner Mary and Fred rustled up an amazing cottage pie, even the tinned mince tasted pretty good!
Log extract for the day: ‘Su is on the helm and Vad is excited’
Until tomorrow,
Keep an eye on the Race Viewer it updates every hour.


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