Sunday 27 October 2019

Punta Del Este to Cape Town, Day 1, Race 3, 23/10/2019


Start of race 3 to Cape Town! 

Wednesday 23rd of October 2019, mum set off at 3pm from punta de este east towards Cape Town. Before she got on the boat I had a quick chat to her. She was excited for the next part of her journey and what the south Atlantic awaited for them. In two days after watching closely on clipper race viewer we received her first email. 

“The clock has just ticked over to 26th October which means we have already been at sea for 2.5 days and we have travelled 500nm. I’ve been helming with spinnaker at night in very heavy seas. It’s great.
We have had a series of knockdowns and last night we lost our steering. Whilst the engineer fixed it, we fixed the spinnaker again. It all took about 20 minutes and then we were back racing. It was a very busy shift. We also made bread and yoghurt.
Oh and it’s looks like we are in the lead atm”

The clock has just ticked over to 26th October which means we have already been at sea for 2.5 days and we have travelled 500nm. I’ve been helming with spinnaker at night in very heavy seas. It’s great. 
We have had a series of knockdowns and last night we lost our steering. Whilst the engineer fixed it, we fixed the spinnaker again. It all took about 20 minutes and then we were back racing. It was a very busy shift. We also made bread and yoghurt. 

Oh and it’s looks like we are in the lead atm

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