Tuesday 9 June 2015

Tuesday 9th June 2015

Today we stayed in Milford Haven and met some interesting people. We waved bye-bye to our new french friends, they were off to Dublin and thought it was going to take them 22 hours.

We also met Paul, on Nora J, who has been everywhere and sailed the world. 

We had fresh crab sandwiches for lunch after cooking yesterdays crabs. 

Mark discovered a lot of salt water in the bilges and after pulling everything out and thinking it was the dreaded stern gland, found a leak in the water pump. One inexpensive gasket later and we are all water tight again. (Phew!)

We provisioned up at Tescos and went to a local pub for a drink with Paul. He used to own a pub in NZ so is very interested in pubs the world over.

Unfortunately we have some force 6's coming along in the next 24 hours so we may have to stay put as our next destination is the very exposed island of lundy. Easterly are going to force us into Jennies Cove on Lundy meaning we won't be able to go ashore as we'd have to climb near vertical cliffs.

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