Thursday 11 June 2015

Thursday 11th June 2015

Today the plan is to sail for Lundy, anchor in Jennys Cove, dodge all the thunder storms and torrential rain and then make our way to Padstow tomorrow.

Watch this space!

So we set off aiming for the free-flowing lock at 12:00. After re-fuelling we headed out through the lock only to be met by the 2 yachts which left Milford Haven, bound for Ireland, yesterday. Oh no - not a good sign!.

With a series of hand signals and yells across the passing boats we found out they had turned around due to 20ft waves. Determined to see the state of the sea for ourselves we pressed on, ever hopeful that we would make it to Lundy.

Out of the Haven and immediately met 'Predator' who chased us ordering us to tell him our passage plan. Yes the Castlemartin Firing range Rottweiler again, or welsh pirates as Mark calls them. Shotting had started on the range again and we were endangering our lives by simply being at sea. Forget the 20ft waves these sea menances were a lot more threatening.

We relented and told him our plan. Straight out to Turbot shoal and immediately hit the rough seas. Mark got quieter and quieter and we both realised we were going to have to endure these bow-disappearing conditions for many hours.

We turned around and headed for Dale (back inside the Haven). We moored, accidentally, in the middle of a dinghy race course and were soon surrounded by the silent little boats all battling to be first around the distant marker.

To add to the interest a RNLI life boat motored into the bay performing some tricks for the passengers it was carrying completely ignorant to the dinghy sailing race as well and managed to motor straight through the race. Not a good day to be a Dale dinghy sailor.

We had a windy but calm night in Dale.

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