Friday 19 June 2015

Tuesday 16th June 2015

Another day in the harbour and a night of socialising. We are all waiting for the weather now. More boats came in and moored up including 'Big Bubble' another Moody 38.

Most of the boats are heading south to visit the Scillies or Penzance. The forecast winds are going to make the exposed coast line of north Cornwall and then the crossing to the Scilly pretty unpleasant so everyone is waiting for the high pressure to return and with it the more settled weather. Looks like it could be Thursday now.

There are now 6 fishing trawlers in the harbour and because of all the visiting boats they are all rafted together near the harbour entrance making a high wall of solid steel for us to negotiate when we leave.

We overhear the skipper of one vessel saying he has to get out of the harbour tomorrow morning.

We plan to leave tomorrow as well.

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