Sunday 14 June 2015

Friday 12th June 2015

Set off early, wanting to get across to Lundy while the weather was settled. We immediately radio-ed the pesky firing range before they flagged us down again, only to be told they weren't operating today (hooray!). We can sail where we want because terrorists don't attack on Fridays, apparently.

So as a demonstration of pure defiance we set a route straight across their danger zone and wow that felt good. Tell me - why have they got exclusive rights to the prettiest stretch of welsh coastline?

We took a few miles off our journey by taking the short-cut and found ourselves in flat calm water with decent wind (on the nose ofcourse) long after leaving the Welsh coast behide. Now we were out in the middle of the channel not able to see any land. Now is the time to trust the chart and chart-plotter and your chart-work skills.

Soon we spy Lundy rising out the the gloom and as if on queue the dolphins join us. Beckoning their friends to join the boat for a spot of bow riding.

Twenty minutes go by and they are still with us jumping and doing that rolling thing where they roll onto their sides and look up at you. Mark has a theory - he reckons they are just incredibly nosey.

Jennys Cove on the island of Lundy has to be one of the most beautiful spots in the Bristol channel. It had flat calm bluey green water and high cliffs full of nesting sea birds. We saw razorbills and puffins all around us in the water and all the way up the cliff face. The pictures do it no justice and visiting the cliffs (which we did a few years ago) by foot certainly doesn't show it best side.

We had planned to anchor in Jennys Cove but there were some south westerly winds heading our way and this would have made it very uncomfortable so we rounded the island and set anchor in the lee.

The sea was incredibly unsettled, with a heavy swell rounding the island nearly all night long. Several times we thought we were going to have to leave but we were now several hours from any other sort of shelter so we stuck it out and had another fairly sleepless night.

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