Saturday 14 May 2016

10th May 2016 - Day 1 - Swansea to Dale, Milford Haven

Caught the 0800 Tawe Lock lock out with Monterey (Chris & Tess's boat who had sailed down from Portishead the previous evening and were joining us for the crossing to Ireland).

Motored out into the bay straight into thick thick fog, visibility was reduced to less than 30 meters in places so out came the fog horn and the radar. One scary moment as another yacht motored between Monterey and us and all we saw was the very tip of his mast. We were only a couple of hundred yards from Monterey.

The fog stayed with us most of the day and only lifted as we were entering Milford Haven 50 miles further on.

Sea state was flat calm, even glass like in places, no wind but we did see several pods of porpoises.

Anchored in Dale and picked up Karen & Howard from the pub pontoon by dinghy, in thick fog and failing light.
(Video to be added - watch this space!)

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