Wednesday 18 May 2016

15th May 2016 - Day 6 - Port Oriel to Ardglass

The tide flow runs up the coast for a number of hours from south to north looking for a way out to the Atlantic and then floods back in again travelling southwards. We were timing our departures so that the tide gave us a lift and helped us along the coast rather than battling against it. So we left Port Oriel at 12 midday ready to catch a lift northwards.

As soon as we were outside the harbour the wind picked up and it was clear that Monterey was in fighting/racing mood. Afterall Ty Mor had already won several races (to Dale, to Arklow, to Dun Laoghaire and to Port Oriel), even though they were calling the cheating card, we let them slip in front of us and watched them pick up speed.

We had some 10-15 knots winds hitting our sails from the north so the wind and the tide helped us today getting up to 8 knots at times. A little closer to Ardglass and the wind dropped and once again we were motoring. Into the quaint little marina with its tricky entrance and its port hand marker buoys coloured yellow, not red.

We parked in the first spot we came to and were met by an old man bearing access and wifi codes. Bet that didn't happen 10 years ago.

Another meal on board tonight and a quick pilotage plan for tomorrow before falling into bed again exhausted.

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