Thursday 26 May 2016

25th May 2016 - Day 12 - Tayvallich, Loch Sween, mainland to Ardfern Yacht Centre, Loch Craignish

Left at lunchtime after a walk and tea & cake in the local coffee shop. The village operates an honesty box for the visitor moorings, so we paid our dues and left with the tide pulling us down the Loch.

Rounded the islands at the bottom of the Loch and caught the tide racing up the Jura Sound. It was adding 2 knots to our speed, which was lucky because the wind seems to be taking another holiday today.

The sea was flat calm again, something the coast guard likes to call 'smooth' in his weather reports. The whirpools were visible and the odd dolphin and seal were far too busy making their way against the current to come over to play.

Up near Loch Craignish and the sea resembled the Bristol channel, whirlpools and races were evident around the dreaded Corryvreckan sound and Dorus Mor. We gave them a wide berth but had a fright when the depth gauge went from reading 125 meters to 2.9 in the space of 10 feet.

The only explanations we could up with - either something very large swam under the boat or the gauge was totally befaddled by the depth of water.

Into the safety of the loch and up to the picturesque marina.

Horray finally interweb and patchy mobile signal.

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