Sunday 29 May 2016

27th May 2016 - Day 13 - Ardfern Yacht Centre, Loch Craignish to Puilladobhrain, North Seil

We stayed a couple of nights in Ardfern Marina and then left at lunch time again (these afternoon tides are great) and made our way down Loch Craignish to the dreaded Dorus Mor and Gulf of Corryvreckan, The Atlantic rushes in between the islands of Jura and Scarba creating giant whirlpools over rocks, so it was certainly an area to respect. But the conditions today are near on perfect - flat calm, outgoing tide or as near to slack water as we could make it and no wind.

It was easy and apart from a couple of rocks to watch out for we easily travelled through the area. The lighthouses at the far end of the Sound of Luing had some interesting currents and in the calm water we could see all the patterns the tidal flows were creating,

Rounded Luing and onto Seil Island. Mull was looking spectacular in the sun and still no wind to assist us.

Found the anchorage easily and parked up between to other boats in 5 meters of depth in sticky mud which wasn't apparent until the next morning when we found it had coated the anchor and acted like a suction pad all night. A very secure anchorage.

Check out the glassy conditions

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