Wednesday 18 May 2016

14th May 2016 - Day 5 - Malahide to Port Oriel

Left Malahide at 3:30pm. We had to wait for the tide to fill the channel and even then we only had 30cm under our keel, The winds were very light and variable so we motored all the way to Port Oriel which was along a pleasant part of the coastline with Lambay Island and the Skerries to round.

When we got there the harbour was full of fishing trawlers but there was a space against the ladder for us. Monterey suggested we tied to it and they rafted against us, that's so that we could get covered in smelly fish juice, not them :)

The harbour had several seals swimming around waiting for the fishing boats to unload and swam straight up to us looking for food, unlucky, no fish aboard!

Drank some wine on Monterey, ate some food and then fell into bed. Mark stayed up most of the night worried we were going to be dangling off the harbour wall at 1 am (low tide), but the mathematician had already done her trigonometry calcs and had calculated we had enough rope out so that didn't happen but Mark fell asleep worrying about it anyway.


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