Tuesday 31 May 2016

29th May 2016 - Day 15 - Tobermory, Mull to Cragaig bay, island of Ulva (anchorage)

With the settled weather we all agreed now was the time to visit the west side of Mull. If the weather turns and we start getting strong south westerly winds it may not be possible. So we left at lunchtime straight into strong north westerly winds and battled up the channel between Mull and Ardtornish point.

Passing the island of Coll and then the Treshnish islands including Lunga we rounded the coast and headed for Gometra and then onto Ulva.

Our first glimpse of Staffa
Found the Cragaig bay anchorage and navigated the tricky rocks to find suitable depth (the chart plotter is worth every penny in these situations). The wind had finally caught up with us and now it was gusting up to 23 knots. We briefly considered running for cover but then decided to brave it out. The nights are so short that if we had to move in the night, because of worsening conditions, it wouldn't have been in complete darkness.
Other boats in the Cragaig bay, Ulva anchorage

With trip line on the anchor we dug it into the soft mud and set the anchor alarm.

The anchorage was windy but at 11pm the wind dropped off and sea went flat calm, so we had a peaceful night and awoke to the sound of a cuckoo and a common tern sitting on the dinghy squawking at the other birds.

Sunset in Cragaig Bay, Ulva looking out towards the Ross of Mull
Another boat in the anchorage at sunset

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