Wednesday 1 June 2016

30th May 2016 - Day 16 - Cragaig bay, island of Ulva to Loch Drumbuie, via Staffa island

Woke early to a tranquil setting, complete calm, flat sea and sea birds all around us. We decided to set off early so that we got to Staffa in the best possible sea conditions.

Cragaig bay anchorage
Common Tern sat on our tender

The anchor had been buried so deep it took a quite a lot of effort to release it and when we eventually got it to the surface it was holding onto a lump of mud double its size. It was full of scallops and other animals.

There was a big sign of relief from the anchor as the mud slid and crashed into the water. Unfortunately it had coated every conceivable surface before finally plopping into the sea.


Staffa was beautiful in the sun. just a shame it was covered in people. We couldn't stop for long the rocks, shallow water and wave all seemed to be pulling us towards the entrance of the 20m high Fingal's cave.

Loch DumBuie entrance
Treshnish Isles - Lunga

We sailed back north passing the Treshnish islands and back to the Sound of Mull and headed for Loch Sunart and into Loch Drumbuie. The entrance is small but the bay opens up and is another safe haven in bad weather.

Ty Mor in Loch Drunbuie

There were 7 boats anchored in the bay overnight. Another still night after a blow early evening.

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