Wednesday 8 June 2016

5th June 2016 - Day 21 - Port Mor, Muck, Small Isles to Mallaig marina

Absolutely no wind today so we motored all the way to Mallaig. Monterey left us and headed for Rum and a big pod of dolphin.

The end of Eigg and Rum behind
I thought this looked like Jabba the Hudd

We passed Eigg with her grumpy face and headed north, the iphone came alive as we approached the mainland again. 

Rang Mallaig marina and asked for a berth and were given instructions on how to enter the harbour. Obeying the lights and giving way to the many ferries which use this harbour. We followed another boat in and easily tied up next to them after waiting for 2 ferries.

After being out on anchorage for a number of days we were ready to get some water, recharge the devices from the mains and get some washing done. Unfortunately, Mallaig marina facilities are not open at weekends (something the marina guide really needs to mention) so we had to wait for the staff to open up the next morning. The fishing trawlers are very close to the marina and are very smelly, they also work late into the night.

Once the facilities had been unlocked they were very acceptable and the staff very kind so Mallaig redeemed itself in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy Su, I've been having a catch up with your blog over the last week or so. Wonderful pictures and locations. I can see why this is something you wanted to do so much. Weather recently looks good, cooler now but hoping it stays dry-ish for you both. David
