Monday 27 June 2016

16th June 2016 – Day 31 –Oakfield (Miller’s) bridge to Ardrishaig basin

We completed the last couple of locks and made our way to the Ardrishaig basin only to meet back up with ‘Shy Talk’, Don was also a single handed sailor who lived in St Georges, Bristol and travelled the Scottish isles in summer. He is in his seventies and only sails on good days. We kept meeting this little boat and its crazy owner.

Oddly, when you start travelling you keep meeting the same boats over and over even though must be thousands and thousands in the immediate vicinity. Boats which we thought were travelling in completely the opposite direction turn up days later in the same marina or anchorage. ‘Granny’s wake’, a Moody 47 was one such example and ‘Shy Talk’ proved to be another.

We spent the day and evening lazing around eating and drinking and once again said good bye to mum and dad, they were off to see the Mull of Kintyre and find another campsite. The plan was to meet up at East Tarbert the next day.

Working the locks
Knew I'd invited them for a good reason

Waiting for a boat travelling the the opposite direction

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