Monday 27 June 2016

15th June 2016 – Day 30 –above the locks at Cairnbaan, Crinan canal to Oakfield (Miller’s) bridge

The next morning, we waved good bye to Jeffery (he was travelling in the opposite direction to us) and Mark cooked and ate his fish.

The lock keepers were anxious to get another boat down the flight of locks and to equalise the water pressure which had built up over night. With them working the locks we hitched a ride and they took both boats down together. The last lock was tricky – it was immediately after a road bridge so the lock had to be fully prepared before the road bridge was closed to traffic and swung.

We tied up to the pontoon at the bottom of the run of locks and went for a walk. We left mum and dad in charge of the boat and went to find ancient rock markings and a fort. We found the ancient artwork but the fort was buried in shrubs, apparently, so couldn’t be visited. The midges were really irritating and the man we spoke to regarding the fort also told us about – Smidge. It was off to the shops as soon as possible to buy some of the miracle product.

The masterpiece

The next section of the canal

The illusive fort

After lunch we ventured a little further down the canal, back to the campervan and dad left to get a good night’s sleep in the van. Mum stayed on board.

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