Monday 27 June 2016

12th June 2016 – Day 27 – Puilladobhrain anchorage to Crinan canal basin

More careful planning so that we arrived at Dorus Mor at the correct time. We were on neap tides again so all the forces were going to be less but still didn’t want to punch tide through one of the narrowest channels in the Inner Hebrides.

We sailed down Sound of Luing from the Fladda light to Dorus Mor on a beam reach and then close hauled as the tide turned and swept us through Dorus Mor towards the Crinan Hotel – perfect timing. 

It’s great when all the natural forces come together in perfect synchronization and catapult you towards your destination with the minimum of effort on your part, just a little tug here and there and you arrive without burning a single ounce of fossil fuel. –  petrol heads wouldn’t understand!

We did a handbrake turn in slow motion onto a visitors mooring and rowed ashore to check out the procedure for entering the Crinan canal.

After some lunch and a further planning meeting with mum and dad, we got back into the dinghy, released the mooring line on the visitors mooring and made our way over to the Crinan Sea lock.

We entered and found it much harder to control the boat without the aid of a floating pontoon. There were 2 boats in the lock so they opened both sluice gates at the same time. The water was quite turbulent and the boat swung around a lot. 

Once the water had equalized we entered the basin and started to get eaten alive by midges. The more it drizzled the more active they became, then add a little sun and drop the wind down to a whisper and they go nuts. 

This was to be the story for the next few days until we found the magic of Smidge - send those little blighters running for the hills (and it does!).

Off to fetch Ty Mor
Bringing her round to the sea lock
In the sea lock

Working the roes

Working hard

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