Monday 27 June 2016

24th June 2016 – Day 36 – Salthouse anchorage, Loch Riddon to Bannatyne marina, Bute

The next morning and we had the Go-pro checking the bottom of the boat again. We had seen something nasty the day before and needed a closer look.

West Kyle, looking into Loch Striven
Whilst checking for keel bolt damage after running aground the camera had whisked passed the prop. On closer inspection we realised the prop had been wrapped in something very much resembling stringy stuff. We quickly took some better footage of the prop only to discover it had all gone, must have been some weed we picked up whilst motoring to get to the anchorage. With the problem sorted we up anchor and headed for the Burnt Isles at the bottom of the loch.

Bannatyne bay
The pilot warns of strong currents (up to 5 knots) through the gaps around the isles so we made sure we were going in the same direction as the current and even though the northern gap is small it certainly wasn’t anything to worry too much about. Anyway, I don’t always find warnings carry too much weight when the very channel they are warning you about is surrounded (within a few meters) by safe anchorages, it’s hardly going to be a torrent of water if they then advice you park up next to it.

We motored all the way with less than 3 knots of wind for most of the journey. East Kyle is as pretty as West Kyle. We arrived at the friendly little marina and were given heaps of information about the surrounding area.

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