Monday 6 June 2016

3rd June 2016 - Day 19 - Lochaline to Salen, Loch Sunart

Determined to get to the Small Isles and possibly around to the Kyle of Lochalsh, we set sail again down the Sound of Mull this time bound for Loch Sunart.

Up to fish farm the water was like glass without a drop of wind, rounded the corner and the water turned dark and the wind hit us right on the nose again.

Up into one of the prettiest Loch we have visited so far, Loch Sunart is full of postcard views from the glimpses of high Scottish mountains to the water running so deep and dark the echo sounder simply read 'deep', to the pine forests which came tumbling down to the waters edge. It even had its own castle at the entrance to the Loch and we wondered if it had its own monster as well.

Salen was also beautiful and we tied to the visitors buoy we had reserved a few hours early by phone. A lovely couple run the pontoon and visitor moorings and provided us with fuel the next morning.

We met up with another Moody (Grannys Wake), and a couple (Alex and Jane) we had met in Ardfern marina. Many glasses of wine later and we had a new plan. Now we were determined to get up to Lochalsh as they had just come back from there and were singing its praises.

One very drunk tender paddle later running away from midges and we fell into bed.

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