Monday 27 June 2016

9th June 2016 – Day 25 – Lochaline, Sound of Mull to Dunstaffnage

Left Lochaline after negotiating the exit with the ferry, a couple of canoeists and another couple of boats motoring straight for us. 
Lochaline harbour office
Once out into the Sound we rounded the point and came face to face (well that’s what it feels like) with a larger tanker. After the usual and brief cockpit discussion we throw the boat to port and headed for safety. The discussion usually goes something like this – at anchor? No I see a bow wave; why would he be anchored in over 100m of water in the middle of the deep water channel.  We  headed for the safety of the rocky headland with nasty sharp pointy things which don’t half do a lot of damage to boat and body, but we took our chances knowing the metal wall hurtling towards us would do us much much damage.

Big scary tanker

More tidal flow patterns in the sea

Tidal flows at the end of the sound

 Light on the south end of Lismore

We popped out of the sound and rounded the south end of Lismore between Lady’s rock and the southernmost tip of the island, waited for another ferry and then motored up to Dunstaffnage Marina to meet mum and dad, who were going to spend a few days with us travelling through the Crinan Canal.

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