Saturday 18 June 2016

7th June 2016 – Day 23 – Kyle of Lochalsh to Loch Moidart

Left early to catch the tide through the Kyle Rhea and this time managed to hit speeds of 9 knots with assistance from the tidal flow. We travelled back down Loch Sleat, retracing our steps from yesterday. The weather threw up some eerie light, it was very still with low fog. The island of Muck now looked as if it was floating mid-air (3rd picture), as the distinction between the sea and sky had gone.


Muck floating 

We motored on and found the entrance to Loch Moidart. The pilot said it was very tricky with multiple rocks to negotiate at the entrance. We made our way in slowly using the chart plotter with me on the bow to see if I could spot rocks. We were very close to low tide so had the minimum amount of water to help us. We got to an area of 3m depth and paid out the anchor chain but couldn’t get it to hold in the weed so moved further out of the bay and found a good spot. The loch was stunning and even had a ruined castle on an island in the middle of the loch.

We set off and tried to get to the castle but failed as the shallow water and fast incoming tide was not giving us many options with the dinghy, we ended up beaching it on the closest beach and walking up a very steep hill, which proved a great location to take some pictures.

Ruined castle

Loch Moidart

TyMor in the middle of the Loch, at anchor
On the beach with Ty Mor in the background

Later that evening and back on board the sunset was amazing, the last 2 pictures were taken at 11pm:


  1. Hi guys. Looking at where you are and have been recently on Google maps, what fantastic scenery and locations!! No doubt the tide makes it 'interesting' navigating around all those isles and channels. Hope you have a clear sky for the longest day :-)

    1. Yes David, scenery is wonderful, especially in the sun. Weather not been so good in the last couple of days. Rainy and cloudy, but still light at 11:30 pm.
