Saturday 14 May 2016

13th May 2016 - Day 4 - Dun Laoghaire to Malahide

Monterey were planning to get to Malahide by 1430 today so we opted to do the same. We left at low water after filling up with diesel, and were determined to sail all the way today.

The sea was quieter but the winds, even though the same strength (up to 22 kts at times), were still in the same northerly direction. We set sails, turned the engine off, skimmed the edge of the shipping lanes and headed for the north hand edge of the sand banks.

We rounded the headland and the Eye of Ireland, passing Howth marina and headed into the bay, but we we were miles too early so had to head back out to sea to kill some time. The entrance to Malahide marina is very shallow and can only be entered 2-3 hours either side of high water. Monterey joined us at the entrance of the river and we traveled down the channel together. Interesting to have people standing on the beach only a few yards from the boat in the channel and breaking waves between us and them.

The marina was tricky with the high winds and the tide still running at a knot in the opposite direction and it took us a couple of attempts to get tidied up.

Quick dinner on board then into town for a Guiness.

Video to follow