Saturday 14 May 2016

12th May 2016 - Day 3 - Arklow to Dun Laoghaire

Left Arklow at 1030, out of the river and straight into a pretty choppy sea. We were determined to spent most of the day sailing rather than motor sailing, but the wind and sea had other ideas.

The tide was with us so we were able to cover quite a bit of land but the wind was on the nose again so after a couple of tacks backwards and forwards inside the sand banks it was back to the engine to assist us forward rather than travelling side to side with only the tide pulling us north.

We heard from Monterey - they didn't want another day of battling the sea so opted for the closer marina of Greystones. We battled onwards and made Dublin bay by mid afternoon. Into Dun Laoghaire harbour and into the marina by 1630.

A great marina where the shower block was floating in the middle of the marina in a barge (interesting!), The local boats were all heading out for an evening race and the marina emptied around us.

Video to be added when I have finished editing it

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